Recipe 12.2

Creating a Date Formatter Component

This component takes a date attribute and formats it in a a human friendly format.

Select a date from the date picker, and the component’s formatted date will be updated with the new date you selected.



const dateInput = document.querySelector('#date');

function adjustForUTC(date) {
  return new Date(date.getTime() + (date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60_000));

dateInput.addEventListener('change', () => {
  const formatter = document.querySelector('date-formatter');
  formatter.setAttribute('date', adjustForUTC(dateInput.valueAsDate));

class DateFormatter extends HTMLElement {
  // The browser will only notify the component about changes, via the
  // attributeChangedCallback, for attributes that are listed here.
  static observedAttributes = ['date'];

  constructor() {

    // Create the format here so you don't have to
    // re-create it every time the date changes.
    this.format = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(
      { dateStyle: 'full' }

   * Formats the date represented by the current value of the `date`
   * attribute, if any.
  formatDate() {
    if (this.hasAttribute('date')) {
      this.textContent = this.format.format(
        new Date(this.getAttribute('date'))
    } else {
      // If no date specified, show nothing
      this.textContent = '';

  attributeChangedCallback() {
    // Only watching one attribute, so this must be a change
    // to the date attribute. Update the formatted date, if any.

  connectedCallback() {
    // The element was just added. Show the initial formatted date, if any.

if (!customElements.get('date-formatter')) {
  customElements.define('date-formatter', DateFormatter);
<input type="date" id="date">

Web API Cookbook
Joe Attardi