Recipe 4.7

Exchanging Data in Real Time with WebSockets

A WebSocket is a persistent connection that remains active. Data can be passed back and forth between the client and server, much like a standard network socket.


 * Opens a WebSocket connection to a given URL.
 * @param url the target URL
 * @returns the WebSocket object
function openWebSocket(url) {
  // Open the WebSocket connection (the URL scheme should be ws: or wss:)
  const socket = new WebSocket(url);

  socket.addEventListener('open', onSocketOpened);
  socket.addEventListener('message', handleMessage);
  socket.addEventListener('error', handleError);
  socket.addEventListener('close', onSocketClosed);

  function onSocketOpened() {
    console.log('Socket ready for messages');

  function handleMessage(event) {
    console.log('Received message:',;

  function handleError(event) {
    console.log('Socket error:', event);

  function onSocketClosed() {
    console.log('Connection was closed');

  return socket;

 * Sends an object as a WebSocket message.
 * @param socket an established WebSocket connection
 * @param message The message to send
function sendMessage(socket, message) {
  // The object is stringified before sending
Web API Cookbook
Joe Attardi